A short documentary by Tom Compagnoni featuring Emma Fielden, Brian Greene, Lily Serna, Bradley Tucker, David J. Reilly, and Nat Iyer.

Tom Compagnoni is a videographer, audio producer, composer and podcaster who has worked professionally in the media for the last 15 years.

He has held the position of Executive Producer, Video & Audio at Australian Associated Press, Video Editor at HuffPost Australia and is currently Head of Creative Video at 9Publishing, producing original content for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

He is also the creator of Wax Audio. a global mashup phenomenon with over 60 million views and shared by the likes of Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), AC/DC, Yoko Ono, Robin Gibb (Bee Gees), Rob Halford (Judas Priest) and Herbie Hancock.

- Awarded Visual Journalist of the Year, Australian Associated Press, 2011.
- Commonwealth Games, Glasgow 2014 for Australian Associated Press.
- ANZAC Centenary, Gallipoli, 2015, for Australian Associated Press.
- Antarctica, Casey Research Station, for Australian Antarctic Division and HuffPost Australia, 2017.
- 2020 Kennedy Awards finalist for Best Online Video.


Carol Jenkins + Emma Fielden + Jane Gillespie


AN INFINITE LINE (1KM) - Tom Compagnoni